Frank Allen’s Searchers News November 2024
Hello again everyone.
I figured it was time to cobble together another newsletter update, especially as there are exciting things in the offing to tell you about ā sort of.
You will have no doubt noticed that a bunch of dates for 2025 has been put on the website which on its own is somewhat surprising when we have already done three so called ‘final’ tours. You might remember that we said (once again) that the 2024 Thank You Tour would be our last unless something very special came up for grabs that we could not turn down. Well, such a thing has come about and there are things in the offing that, if all goes ahead, may well bring our career to a glorious and fitting end at last.

But frustrating as it may be for you, we are under strict orders not to release any news until permission has been given, which may not be for some time yet, and so you will have to wait very patiently, for the moment. But yes, barring any unforeseen circumstances we will indeed be performing next year. But what will be the ‘highlight’ of that little outing remains classified information for the moment. I hope it won`t be too long. As soon as we get the go ahead I`ll fill you in with all the details.
But on the good news front the added bonus is that the run of shows, ostensibly arranged so that we will have enough rehearsal time to get back into our full playing mode again, will yet again give everyone the opportunity to catch a Searchers concert or two, that`s if you aren`t fed up with us by now. Those dates will stay on the website, and you are welcome to make your bookings whenever a venue puts the tickets on sale. I believe some venues are already taking bookings.

On another topic, I often wonder how many of you think there is some big ego thing about only me writing the newsletters and providing the odd photo to be put on our website and FB page and it`s quite understandable. In fact, the truth is that John McNally prefers not to do any of the public relations stuff and over the years we have each adopted our individual roles, me with PR and he with business and logistics.
I`ve always been a very social person so there is often a photo that might be of interest to those of you who keep up with us. Iām afraid if you want photos of John it will have to be of him sitting in the lounge watching re-runs of Downton Abbey. So, I promise you there is no big self-promotion intended on my part. Just doing my job, guv. It seems to have worked very well and as they say, if it ain `t broke, don`t fix it.
Well, I think that`s about it for now. Any news that I am able to pass on I will do so at the earliest opportunity. Will those aforementioned 2025 concerts really be the close of play for The Searchers? I really do think so this time. What could possibly tempt us to get on stage again? I suppose a second Royal Variety Show would do it. We certainly couldn`t turn that down, but I`m not holding my breath. Over to you Your Majesty.
Stay well, stay warm and we`ll be in touch again soon.
Frank Allen.
Management: Alan Field
020 8441 1137 ā 07836 555300